irrigation tubing with holes from an animal chewing

Why Underground Irrigation Systems Leak

Why Underground Irrigation Systems Leak  When you have an underground drip irrigation or lawn sprinkler system, after some period of use, it may develop leaks which will need to be repaired. Leaks can create soggy patches in your planting beds or yard, reduce the water pressure in your system – which means that some drip lines or sprinkler heads may …

sprinkler heads overspraying a driveway

Tips to Improve Irrigation Efficiency

Three Tips to Improve Lawn Irrigation System Efficiency Here are three simple tips to make your sprinkler system more efficient. 1. Address Leaks Promptly The average family can save 180 gallons of water per week or 9,400 gallons per year by promptly addressing leaky faucets, toilets, and sprinkler systems. If your grass or concrete is frequently or unusually wet, you …